
A book with a minimalistic grey cover titled "mutter" by kit poulson, featuring a graphic with eye-like symbols and a mouth-like image near the bottom, published by book works.An open book with pages displaying text, suggesting a moment of study or leisurely reading. the book's content cannot be discerned from the image, but it gives a sense of calm and quiet focus.An open book with two pages visible: the left page contains structured text with paragraphs, and the right page shows large, bold lettering of the letters "b" and "g" in various sizes along with the word "ghhhhhhhh" in a large, expressive font, suggesting a creative or artistic element within the book's content.An open magazine or booklet with a minimalist infographic or illustration on the right-hand page, incorporating geometric shapes and a small amount of text that reads "infrastructure.

Design of the experimental novel Mutter by Kit Poulson. Published by Book Works (London) in 2018.