We want to live

A bold statement banner with a black heart symbol above the phrase "f*** this sh**" hanging on a clothesline against a backdrop of colorful fabrics.A vibrant red banner with the message "love not hate" in bold black letters, featuring a heart symbol replacing the 'o' in "love" and a peace symbol replacing the 'o' in "not," displayed among other colorful fabrics.A collection of vibrant protest banners with various messages and symbols, prominently featuring the phrase "cassandra stay panic" with the anarchy symbol.A vivid orange protest banner with bold black letters saying "we want to live" hangs amidst other colorful banners with various messages, symbolizing a call for action and the urgency of social or environmental issues.Colorful protest banners with messages advocating for harm prevention, featuring a prominent pink banner reading "stop the harm" with a crossed-out circle symbol above the text.

Banners for the rebellion in September 2020. Photography by Immo Klink