Anti social media

A colorful bus covered in environmental slogans and imagery, promoting climate action and unity, stands out against an industrial backdrop.The image appears to be a social media screenshot, specifically from instagram, featuring a large, bold text overlay "here comes the sun" across the middle. in the background, there's a crowded scene, which looks like people gathered in a green outdoor area, possibly a park. the text below the image, which is part of the instagram post, provides a commentary on various existential concerns, mentioning climate change, data privacy, the economy, and advancements in technology. the tone of the text suggests an urgent call for attention to these issues.Protesters display a banner saying "cop has failed" on the back of a trailer, surrounded by activists and a large puppet, during a climate change demonstration in an urban setting.A person standing with arms outstretched, facing a vibrant pink smoke flare with a clear blue sky in the background, evoking a sense of empowerment and freedom.The image appears to depict a dramatic scene with large letters on fire spelling out "it's coming." the background has an orange hue, suggesting flames or a fiery environment, which complements the fiery text. the overall impression is one of urgency and a warning about an impending event or situation.The image displays a protest sign with the message "i'm terrified billions will starve while our government refuses to act on the climate crisis" against an urban backdrop, signaling a call to action on climate change and the urgency felt by the protester.The image displays a black and white close-up of a crumpled piece of paper with the words "big dirty liar boris johnson" written in bold, yellow graffiti-style font across it. the text and visual presentation suggest a strong political statement or protest against the individual named. the background of the image is textured, accentuating the message's intensity and giving it a street-art aesthetic. the contrasting colors and striking font size make the message stand out prominently.A group of individuals partake in a demonstration for environmental awareness, specifically addressing the fashion industry's impact on the planet, as they march with signs, banners, and a creative display of clothing suspended in the air; against the backdrop of an urban setting with classical architecture.

Social media content produced whilst co-ordinating the social media for XR UK. We developed content pillars to communicate the campaigns key demands and strategy whilst also working reactively in response to live protest and political events as they unfolded.